*Cpt_SW* Internal Ladder Squad

Ladder News


We will be opening matches within the next few days for the *Cpt_SW* Internal Ladder Squad. We will be supporting singles ladders for Quake2, Quake3, and Half-Life DM . please familiarize youself with the rank structure. If you have any suggestions for the ILS please direct them to *Cpt>SW* CoreKill ; I also make an open challenge to anyone to try to beat me, you won't but your welcome to try:)

The *Cpt_SW* Internal ladder is designed to allow members to hone their gaming skills by challenging other game members.There will be a Singles Ladder as well as a Team ladder. The internal ladder allows particpants to achieve a higher rank for the games that they play all players recieve points for playing even if they lose a match you still recieve points the higher your point total the higher your rank. all players start on ladder with 1000 points. All games are played in matches (3 games). Playing against members with lower or higher game rank affects the points one earns from winning/losing. Equally ranked members earn points as follows: Win=100pts Loss=50pts. Playing against a member of higher rank earns points as follows: Win=150pts Loss=75pts. Playing against a member of lower rank earns points as follows: Win=50pts Loss=25pts.

Rank Chart:

A=1000-1500 B=1500-2000 C=2000-2500 D=2500-3000
E=3000-3500 F=3500-4000 G=4000-4500 H=4500-5000
X=5000-6000 X1=6000-7000 X2=8000-9000 X3=9000-10K
X5=10K-11K X6=11K-12K X7=12K-13K X8=13K-14K
X9=14K-15K Y=15K-20K Y1=20K-25K Y2=25K-30K
Y3=30K-35K Y4=35K-40K Y5=40K-45K Y6=45K-50K
Z=50K-60K Z1=60K-70K Z2=70K-80K Z3=80K-90K
Z4=90K-100K Xa=100K-200K Xb=200K-300K Xc=300K-400K
Xd=400K-500K Ya=500k-1M Yb=1M-1.5M Yc=1.5M-2M


Supported Games:

Click on game to see current ladder results:

Quake 2 DM Ladder:

Quake 3 DM Ladder:

Half-life DM Ladder:

MechWarrior 3 Ladder:

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